Hakuna Matata
Sphere Studies and Subterranean Bounce
October 4 - November 8, 2020

Up on the hill, Mobarak presents two related bodies of work. The six SPHERE STUDIES are part of her ongoing examination of the material and metaphoric possibilities of mycelium. Growing through a substrate in a rhizomatic system of hyphae, mycelium has its own kind of intelligence, one that opens the possibility of personal relationship. As a material it is versatile and malleable; only for those who understand it, however, will it work, assuming the ternary role of material, subject and studio assistant.
Then there is a five-channel sound installation emanating from the bowels of the earth. SUBTERRANEAN BOUNCE is built from recordings of the movements of spheres of various sizes and densities.
Key themes include:
Intersensory deferral / displacement
Michael Crichton
Trip to Petra
The sound of form and the form of sound
Kill your studio assistants
Family history / daddy issues